1% for the Planet: No donation is too small
More and more entrepreneurs are looking for meaning when they create their businesses. May that be in what they make or what they plan on doing with the money they’ll earn.
We at The Grizzly Labs are just the same.
We find meaning in the development of Genius Scan, an app loved by millions of users because it helps them every day, and we offer a fully functional free version of Genius Scan so that everyone in the world has access to a privacy-conscious document scanner on their smartphone.
It wasn’t enough for us. The question of the climate and of the protection the planet kept coming back at us. The impacts of climate change are visible to the naked eye. That’s not what we want to leave for future generations. We want our business to have a positive impact on these problems. This is why we decided to become a member of 1% for the Planet.
Here are all the reasons you, too, should join the collective.
The time to save the planet is now, and no donation is too small.

A collective of philanthropic companies to the rescue
1% for the Planet is a global organization that connects businesses with a list of 4500 well-selected environmental nonprofits that aim to tackle environmental issues. They operate in more than 40 countries - including France, where we develop Genius Scan, and the USA – and ask their members to donate 1% of their revenue (not profit) each year to their vouched NGOs.
And the more sales you make, the more money you give back to the collective.
A multi-stage process for vetting nonprofits
To be certified, a nonprofit organization needs to have a primarily environmental status and be qualified as of general interest. Interestingly, they also need to be sponsored by one of 1% for the Planet business members. It’s a first step for the smallest nonprofits to understand how to raise money.
They undergo a thorough audit by 1% for the Planet that is set in place to make sure these nonprofits do what they say and don’t become a part of the collective under pretenses, in a greenwashing mindset or strategy.
We felt comfortable becoming a part of the 1% for the Planet collective as they complete these thorough background checks. It was essential to know that we support nonprofits that we know help the environment and don’t keep or hide what they do with the money they receive.
1% for the Planet certifies businesses commitment every year.
Business members of the collective also go through a thorough background check. For obvious reasons, the industry they’re part of is the first thing taken into account (banned industries include tobacco, oil, gas, politics, and religion) and what it means for them to become members.
Each year, members send both proof of their donations and their revenue to 1% for the Planet which verifies that members did indeed give 1% of their revenues to certified nonprofits.
For instance, as soon as we close our accounts for last year, we will send them to 1% for the Planet together with the donation receipts so that they can ensure that we respected our commitment to them.
Only then you get the right to use the 1% for the Planet logo, one of the great perks of being a member. Indeed, consumers are becoming more and more aware of environmental issues and have greater trust in a company’s environmental commitment when backed by certification. When choosing a business, consumers first choose a product, but such certifications helps them make a purchase that will have a positive impact. It’s good for business, and good for the planet.
No matter your size, you can have an impact.
You might think that small businesses can’t make much of an impact on environmental issues. That only big companies that make big bucks have the power to save the world. Fortunately, you’d be wrong.
The real strength of being a 1% for the Planet member lies in that we are all parts of a collective. By adding all our donations - might they be of money, skills, products, or time - we have an authentic voice, a strong impact that can only become stronger with time.
Just in France, the collective has doubled in members every year and is now strong with 1100 companies. And because there are never enough donations, every one of them counts.
There’s always a nonprofit that needs help, be it help fight deforestation, clean the oceans, protect fauna, improve agroforestry in poor, under-developed areas, educate and advocate environmental issues… And that’s why more than 6000 companies worldwide pledge at least 1% of our revenues each year to certified nonprofits.
For instance, in 2021 we decided to support:
Take a look at what they do!
What’s next for 1% for the Planet?
The collective has been steadily growing for years now and has had a massive impact on climate, food, natural areas, pollution, water, and wildlife. It has been able to donate more than $350 million since 2002 worldwide—$ 50 million just in 2021.
In October, in Paris, the collective will hold their 7th edition of [Les Rencontres pour la Planète](https://www.onepercentfortheplanet.fr/presentation-des-rencontres/) which is a 2-day conference and meet-up between companies and charities. At the end of these 2 days, prizes are awarded to 40 nonprofits. Money directly given to 1% for the Planet and pledged from businesses specifically for the event is distributed between the winners.
Meeting the very people who fight every day against climate change is truly mind-blowing and humbling. Numerous companies choose to attend the event even though they are not part of 1% for the Planet. Inspired, many of them eventually decide to join the collective.
There’s hope.
More and more small companies and start-ups not only give money to nonprofits but also join 1% for the Planet even before they officially start making money, making it clear from the beginning that fighting against climate change is going to be a fundamental part of their Business Plan.
People want to do their part.
As a matter of fact, 91% of businesses are small companies such as ourselves.
If you’re in France and also want to do your part but don’t know how or where to start, meet the collective 1% for the Planet (workers, nonprofits, and patrons) at Les Rencontres pour la Planète on October 11-12 2022 in Paris.
If you’re not in France, you can contact them here and learn more about 1% for the Planet.