Back to School with Genius Scan
Genius Scan is like a document scanner in your pocket. As you’re back to school, whether in person or remotely, drop Genius Scan in your schoolbag to make your life easier. Here are a couple of ways in which it will help.

Genius Scan makes it easy to take a picture of a paper assignment, and turn it to a clean, legible PDF document.
Send assignments to your professor
It’s more and more common for professors to ask you to submit written assignments in digital form. With Genius Scan, scanning a document is very easy, especially as you can create multipage PDF documents.
Some professors have specific requests to facilitate their review work. Genius Scan can help with some of these requirements:
- You can ensure your files aren’t too large with the Resolution settings
- You can make your files very legible by sticking to the black and white filter that produces high-contrast, clean documents.
- You can name your documents according to a specific naming scheme (e.g., CS193 - Jane Doe - 2021-09-11). You can rename your documents as you desire, but it’s more convenient to configure Document Name Templates to avoid repetitive work.
- You can upload your documents to Classroom or Canvas (which are in use in many schools) by selecting Export > Other Apps > Classroom or Canvas.
Keep track of your work with other students
When working together on a problem, you’re often brainstorming in the same room. At the end of the session, everyone can use Genius Scan to return home with a digitized copy of the whiteboard notes. You can also send the results to the students who couldn’t attend the session.
Automate regular actions
If you keep sending your assignments to the same professor, you can configure an export shortcut to email them directly. You can also create a Scan document shortcut on your device’s Home Screen.
Stay organized
It’s always a good idea to follow pre-defined patterns to name your documents to make it easier to find them. We recommend that you create a Document Name Template for each class that you attend, that you automatically include the class name, the date of the session, and a custom prompt to make it easier to remember what the session was about: CS101 - 2011-11-01 - [Title of the session]
Genius Scan also lets you label your documents with tags, which is a convenient way to group them by theme.
You can archive your digitized classroom notes in your Dropbox in specific folders to make sure you can find your notes later at any time. Genius Scan directly integrates with many cloud storage services and lets you save high-quality copies of your notes in the cloud. You can even configure an auto-export to export your scans to the proper cloud storage folder automatically based on the document’s name or tags that you assign them.
Whether you’re going back to school or know someone who does, keep Genius Scan in mind as a valuable tool to make your life a bit easier. The basic version of Genius Scan is free to use, and you can upgrade to the advanced version for a one-time fee. Genius Scan also respects your privacy.